Monday, August 22, 2011

Vernonia cinerea, Little ironweed

Botanical Name: Vernonia cinerea
Family : Asteraceae (Sunflower family)
Synonyms: Vernonia cinerea, Conyza cinerea, Senecioides cinerea
Sanskrit Name: Sahadevi
Family: Asteraceae  

Other Names : Malayalam പൂവാംകുരുന്നില
English : Little ironweed, Purple feabane
Hindi : Sahadevi സഹദേവി सहदेवी
Marathi : Sadodi
Tamil : பூவங்குருந்தல், Poovamkurunthal
Thelugu : Sahadevi സഹദേവി

Ecology : Open waste places, Dry grassy sites, Roadsides, and in Plantations of perennial crops. Cultivating In India for Medicinal Purpose.  
Reproduction : by seeds.  
Use : Medicinal Purpose, Ayurvedic Treatment

(Vernonia is a genus of about 1000 species of forbs and shrubs in the family Asteraceae. Some species are known as Ironweed. Some species are edible and of economic value. They are known for having intense purple flowers.)

Photo : Ranjith Chemmad
Geographic Location : Dubai U.A.E

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